Boise, a new kind of west.
Boise has the cool, funky, small-city appeal that cities like Portland, Denver and Austin once claimed. And though the city has received a lot of media attention, for much of the country, it’s still an unknown destination in Idaho, or was that Iowa? Simply put, we needed to put our city on more peoples’ radar and maybe even change a few perceptions. What’s the best way to do that? By getting them here so they can experience our city’s forward-leaning urban vibe in the middle of some of North America’s most spectacular landscapes.
That’s when we landed on the Unexpected West campaign. It celebrates our western-friendly-hipster-foodie family-friendly-vibe. Our cool, laid-back city with an authentic western heritage. And, of course, the easy access to crazy amounts of outdoor adventure. To bring the campaign to life, we used original photography shot throughout the city and playful headlines in advertising, social media, blogs and OOH (in cities with non-stop flights: Atlanta, Chicago, Austin, San Francisco, etc.) –and an entirely new immersive website that makes planning easy.
It turns out, visitors can’t get enough of Boise. In the first 3 months, the campaign received over 5.6 million impressions and 54K clicks. At the same time, Boise has experienced record-breaking months in hotel revenue since the campaign launch.