Because seniors deserve smarter healthcare, and marketing.
Geisinger has a reputation as an innovator. But in their case, innovation doesn’t just mean CAT scans and genetic modeling. It also means thinking of new ways to improve in-person care. So to address an ongoing problem of seniors not getting the care they deserve in Pennsylvania, Geisinger launched a new service just for seniors. They had the idea, infrastructure and physicians, but they didn’t have a logo, marketing plan or advertising campaign. So, as their agency of record, we were asked to provide all of it.
We researched. We convened. We visited key locations. This led to us creating brand experiences and marketing that would resonate with seniors in a way that was inspiring, but also addressed the things they needed most. We even had a little fun with it, because yeah, seniors like to laugh. Since 65 Forward is a modern, all-inclusive healthcare and wellness facility, we were able to craft headlines like, “Come for the lab work. Stay for the ab work.”
And seniors loved the campaign. So much so that the stats surprised even us. Page views increased by 259%. Patient acquisitions increased by 7X. And it helped lift the entire Geisinger brand net promoter score by 55%. 65 Forward now has momentum. Patients seek it out. They tell friends about it. It’s now the go-to choice for seniors in eastern Pennsylvania and an expanding model for providing them better care, when they need it.